

Nabo: Go to the Nabo page
Press: Mai Øvlisen, [email protected]
Generel requests including job requests: [email protected]
Sponsorships: [email protected]
Submit an artist: [email protected]
Street party: [email protected]
Food and drinks stands: [email protected]


Refshalevej 167A
1432 Copenhagen K
CVR no. 31183200

Press material

Only to be used for the free and indiependent media. Press images Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3. Remember to credit photographer –  name is in the image file name. Download Distortion logo here


The Distortion week always ends on the first Saturday of June.

29 May – 2 June 2024
4–8 June 2025
3–7 June 2026


We are an independent festival and our not-for-profit foundation Fonden Distortion København supports arts and culture and social projects in the public space.

The company NusNus acts as the Distortion secretariat and produces the festival. NusNus is a devoted team with a lifelong passion for Copenhagen culture, social architecture, party-poetry, spectacular installations, colourful atmosphere and rave culture. We work for ourselves and are 100% independent from public, political or any external interest.

Since 1998, Distortion explores the limits of street life and new dance music. That’s it.

Official Festival App
Get set times, maps and more!